Alustuseks sellest, mis juhtus selle 1 kuu postitusega -> elu tuli vahele. Olen siinsest viimast võtnud ja blogi kirjutamiseks pole väga aega olnud. See postitus on pigem lühike ja laialivalguv, aga ma üritan siin elada
Arriving home
I woke up early, packed my things and drove to the bus station with other exchange students and volunteers. Soon we got onto the buss and started to moving towards Rosario. About half way there, we were stopped by local police who checked everyone's passports. Enough about that.
More important was the moment when bus pulled into the bus station in Rosario and I saw my host-family the first time. Up until this moment I wasn't nervous or anything, but now I got little anxious. I stepped off the bus and kissed everyone hello on the cheek. They took lot of pictures of all the exchange students, so I had to smile the whole time because there was so much camera action going on.
Before we drove home, we had a nice lunch all together - me, my host-family, other exchange students with their families and YFU volunteers.
About 2h later I finally at my new home. I HAVE THREE DOGS and I share room with Agustina, my sister, with who I go to the same class.
First night I fell asleep 9 o'clock sharp, because it was 3am in Estonia and it had been emotionally draining day.
The picture is a screenshot of my sisters snapchat, because i'm not the biggest photographer out there
Palju olulisem oli see hetk, kui buss keeras bussijaama sisse ja ma nägin oma host-pere esimest korda. Selle hetkeni ei olnud närvi ega midagi, aga kui neid nägin siis tuli väike närv sisse. Astusin bussist maha ja tervitasin kõiki. Minust ja teistest VÕPidest tehti palju pilte ning kogu aeg tuli naeratada, sest kogu aeg oli keegi kaameraga sinu juures.
Enne, kui koju sõitsime, siis käisime kõik koos söömas - mina, mu host-pere ja teised vahetusõpilased oma peredega ning YFU vabatahtlikud.
Umbes kaks tundi hiljem jõudsin lõpuks oma uude koju. MUL ON KOLM KOERA ja jagan tuba oma õega, Agustinaga, kellega käin ka samas klassis.
Esimene õhtu jäin kell 9 magama, sest Eestis oli kell kolm öösel ja oli olnud elamusterohke päev.
Pilt on screenshot õe snapchatist, sest ma endiselt ei ole kõige agaram fotograaf
First day of school
Esimene koolipäev
The first school day started early, 7am (I know- i wake up earlier in Estonia, but I go to sleep earlier too). The school starts 7.30 and I live about 2minute walk away from school. We have school unifrom and today I borrowed that from my middle sister, Yazmin.
Entering the class, I was really confused, because I was greeted by ~20 people whom I had never seen before and they all looked kinda same. But luckily I saw my sisters friends in the back corner (they visited me couple days earlier (we had some free days)). The first 2 lessons were Geography. Let's just say, it is kind of hard to follow lessons if you arrived about a week ago knowing how to say Hola.
There is another exchange student in my school, Aideen from Germany, link here. Seeing her was the best moment of the day. She was in my mama bear group so I knew her and sharing experiences was the highlight of the day.
We don't have lunch at school, but we have cookies...a lot of cookies. Also what is different from my school in Estonia is that students don't move from class to class, teachers do. And things flying out of the window is a daily phenomenon.
(no photo evidence was found)
Esimene koolipäev algas vara, kell 7 (tean-tean, Eestis ärkan varem, aga seal lähen ka tunduvalt varem magama). Kool hakkab 7.30 ning ma elan umbes 2minutilise jalutuskäigu kaugusel. Meil on koolivorm aga esimene päev laenasin keskmiselt õelt, Yazmin'ilt.
Klassi sisenedes olin segaduses (see pole päris õige sõna, kui meelde tuleb kunagi, eks muudan ära), sest mind tervitas kuskil 20 inimest, keda ma polnud enne näinud ja olid väga ühte nägu. Õnneks nägin, et klassi tagumises nurgas on mu õe sõbrad, kes käisid paar päeva tagasi külas meil. Esimesed 2 tundi olid geograafiad. Ütleme nii, et on suhteliselt raske tunnis kaasa teha, kui oled kuskil nädal aega tagasi jõudnud, teades sõna Hola.
Mu koolis on ka teine vahetusõpilane, Aideen Saksamaalt link. Tema nägemine oli päeva parim osa. Ta oli mu mamabear grupis, seega teadsin teda päris hästi ja kogemuste jagamine oli tipphetk.
Lõunat meil koolis pole. Aga on küpsiseid...väga. palju. küpsiseid. Ühtlasi mis on erinev on see, et õpetajad vahetavad klassi, mitte õpilased ning aknast väljalendavad asjad on igapäevane nähtus.
(pildimaterjali ei ole)
The weather is nice, on most of the day you can survive with T-shirt.
I am slowly but surely starting understanding and speaking spanish
Everything is fine and I am doing fabulously
Ilm on ilus, enamasti t-särgi ilm
Saan hispaania keelest juba midagi aru ja vaikselt räägin ka
Kõik on korras ja mul läheb endiselt hästi
I am going to stop here, otherwise I'm going to write too much again. And I'm going to try and pull myself together and start posting regularly.
Ma lõpetan siinkohal ära, muidu kirjutan kogemata liiga palju jälle. Ja ma proovin ennast kokku võtta ja enamvähem regulaarselt postitama hakata
IG: eliiseleetsar
IG: eliiseargentiinas
(I havent been active there either, but pulling myself together)
(pole seal ka aktiivne olnud, aga ma üritan)